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Date: May 22, 2016


Hunterdon Humane Animal Shelter Reorganizing

Alexandria Twp., N.J.—Hunterdon County Humane Animal Shelter’s Board of Trustees voted Tuesday, May 17, 2016 to temporarily close the shelter effective June 1st.


In an effort to develop a strategic plan that encompasses community service and partnerships with regional organizations, the Board of Trustees voted to close the shelter temporarily. A closure will provide the Trustees, the majority being county residents and committed to the shelter, with time to focus on reviewing the shelter’s policies and procedures to best meet the objectives and missions set forth in the shelter’s charter. Board President Mike Rogers said, “This period of closure will permit us to perform repairs and updates to our extensive facilities; improve our management model; assess staffing needs; and rededicate our shelter to its original and important overall mission. During this time we will be looking for people to help us achieve our goals, including a Veterinarian of Record to ensure for the health and well-being of the animals entrusted to our care”.


The Board is committed to reopening the shelter as soon as possible with a vision for greater community partnerships transcending across the county. Rogers went on to say, “We take our role as an animal shelter in the county seriously and we intend to implement a strategic plan that will provide the needed resources and services for the care and protection of animals for decades to come”.


Hunterdon County Humane Animal Shelter is developing a plan to partner with other private and public agencies in order to evolve itself within the community to ensure for greater transparency. Organizations interested in learning more about opportunities to partner with the shelter are encouraged to contact Mr. Mike Rogers at

Temporarily closed until further notice

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